Together we could see the great Commission fulfilled in our lifetime!
How can we reach San Diego for Christ?
We want to reach every person in San Diego County by:
- praying for them by name
- connecting with them personally
- connecting them with Jesus
- connecting them with the Bible
- connecting them with a Christian Community
our vision: Pray for and connect with every person in san diego.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
The Story
“How do we finish sharing the gospel with every person in every nation in our generation?” That was the question that world evangelists discussed at a gathering with Billy Graham 20 years ago. They gathered to pray and strategize about how they could reach the world for Jesus and complete the Great Commission. The question of the summit was, “How do we finish the task?”
“It will take until the year 2050,” one table said.
“Let’s do this in our generation!” said Table 71, “We have the resources, the transport, and the missionaries, and we think it can be done by 2033,”
Among the leaders at Table 71 were people from Campus Crusade, IMB, and YWAM. They said to the other leaders in the room, “Tell us where you can reach, and we’ll take the rest.”
Out of that gathering, a major acceleration took place in evangelizing the world for Jesus. One of the outcomes was All. America, which started in Kansas City, Missouri with the objective of reaching all of America with the Gospel. All.America, later, chose to pilot a program in San Diego because they believe American culture tends to move from West to East. Thus, All.SanDiego was born.
The vision of the All initiative is impossible to achieve alone. True transformation requires the whole Body of Christ to pray for and connect with everyone in our nation, now.
All.America is a non-denominational, non-profit initiative of call2all, designed to serve all churches, groups, organizations and individuals within the Body of Christ.

The Finish lines
Finish lines are a way to strategically focus on what Jesus commanded us to do.
Prayer, Compassion, Evangelism, Bible Engagement and Christian Community, as finish lines, give us a comprehensive framework to see this nation transformed and discipled. What would happen if the Body of Christ came together around these common goals of the Great Commission?
Let us give ourselves fully to the task of reaching every person in all of America. When we look at these areas as ‘finishable’ our strategies and plans take on a new urgency and hope.
Our partnering organizations have resources to help. Visit the Resources page to learn more.

Every person in America prayed for by name, churches committed to regular prayer, and community-wide prayer initiatives in every city.

Every person shown God’s love in action by identifying and meeting practical needs, educating, equipping, and working with specialized services.

Every person hears the Gospel multiple times in relevant ways through personal evangelism, public proclamation events, and social media evangelism.

Every person engaged with the life-giving words of the Holy Scriptures by eradicating Bible poverty, educating our society and equipping churches.

Every person who comes to Christ connected to Christian Community through personal discipleship, small groups and church-based discipleship.